Title I
Title I Information
At Chinn Elementary, we strive to meet all students’ needs. The Title I Reading Interventionists and Chinn Staff do this by working together to provide effective, research-based interventions that best support our students with their individual reading goals. Through Title I funding, our school is able to provide and implement research-based instructional practices and materials to differentiate for reading needs. These funds also help provide additional support personnel to work with our students.
- What is Title I?
- What will Title I do for my child?
- What are the steps in the MTSS process?
- As a parent, how will I know what’s happening?
- How can I help my child?
What is Title I?
What will Title I do for my child?
What are the steps in the MTSS process?
As a parent, how will I know what’s happening?
How can I help my child?
- Title I: Parents Right to Know
- Title I: School-Family-Student 23-24 Compact
- Chinn Elementary Parent and Family Engagement Plan
- School, Parent and Family Engagement Policy (PDF)
- District Parent Family Involvement Policy (PDF)
- Complaint Procedures (PDF)
- Parent Notification (PDF)
- Chinn ESEA Schoolwide Program Plan (PDF)
JaNette Kunels
Reading Interventionist
Contact JaNette Kunels
Alison Heiman
Reading Interventionist
Contact Alison Heiman
Jenni Miscavish
Math Interventionist
Contact Jenni Miscavish