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Library Media Center

library media center

Welcome to the Chinn Elementary Digital Library Media Center!
You can find resources on this site to help you discover new books (traditional print and eBooks), find resources for research, and link to other useful websites. Your media center holds the key to your curiosities and learning!


Google is often the "go-to" resource for online research. However, search results on Google are sometimes overwhelming because of the advertisements and number of hits. Try some of these databases and search engines to help with your research.

Virtual Library

Hour of Code

Practice coding with these helpful websites.

Audio and eBooks

Here are ways you can check out audio and ebooks. 


The new, friendlier Overdrive!
Check out eBooks and audiobooks from Sora. Use your district username and password to log in. Students will be able to access eBooks and audio books. Access juvenile fiction and juvenile nonfiction to find books available for elementary students. 


Students have access to hundreds of books with their teacher's login


Epic -Students have access to thousands of books through Epic with their teacher's login. Parents can purchase a membership as well. 

Mid-Continent Overdrive

Mid-Continent Overdrive
Check out eBooks and audiobooks from the MidContinent Overdrive portal. Use your Mid-Continent library card number and pin to log in. Students will be able to access eBooks and audiobooks.

Award Books

We celebrate these award books! Updated lists come out each spring. 

Mark Twain Award Nominees

Building Block Nominees

Show Me Readers Award

Great Kids Can Read

Steven Cochran

Media Specialist
Contact Mr. Cochran

Taya Moon

Media Specialist
Contact Mrs. Moon

Important Links

Here are links to help you in class or at home!